Arm lift without scars

Arm lift without scars

Essential Aesthetics
November 5, 2020

Arm lift without scars

Is the skin on your arms starting to look thin and wrinkled, like crepe paper? Crepey skin is caused by aging, lack of moisture, excessive weight loss, and exposure to the sun. These factors cause the breakdown of collagen and elastin in our skin which keeps it tight and wrinkle-free. Sagging, flabby upper arms are one of the most common problem areas for women.

There is now a non-surgical, scar-free alternative for correcting batwings or extra fat with dropping upper arm skin. Essential Aesthetics in Danville is a one-stop destination for non-surgical upper arm sagging correction. You can now benefit from upper arm reduction with surgery-like results and without a single incision thanks to the Radio-frequency system with micro needling in conjunction with Sculptra injection.

How does an arm lift work without leaving scars?

Our non-surgical arm lift approach, or “liquid arm lift plus,” combines two treatments: Sculptra and RF skin tightening with micro needling. Sculptra is a poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) filler that stimulates collagen and helps restore the deep, underlying structures of the skin to diminish wrinkles. This is the first step in skin tightening because it leads to long-term plumping in the treated areas to even out the skin’s surface and smoothes away wrinkles and fine lines. In the second phase, the radio frequency with micro needling is applied to the upper arm, causing an electric current to pass between electrodes. The thermal field coagulates subcutaneous fat and heats the fibrous tissue causing the skin to retract similarly to shrink-wrapping.

How Long Will It Last?

You will notice an improvement in the texture of your skin immediately after treatment. Most improvement will occur within 3 to 6 months after the treatment. With PA Ellie’s, DMSc, artful and meticulous injection technique, your Sculptra results may last up to 2 to 3 years.

It is recommended that patients have maintenance treatments once or twice per year.

What is the Downtime?

Arm lift without scars is a great non-invasive alternative for those who do not want to undergo surgery. You may experience swelling, redness, bruising, and/or tenderness in the arms for 7 to 14 days. You can return to your regular daily activities immediately after treatment.

How Do I Schedule a Consultation With PA Ellie?

To schedule a consultation with Ellie Zarnegar, PA, DMSc, contact our clinic. You can call or text us at 925.855.1773 or schedule a consultation online.

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