Dear Patients,
We continue to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic as it quickly evolves closely. However, to serve your and our patient’s needs, we will be available on a limited and appointment-only basis Monday through Friday.
To practice social distancing, we will schedule only one person at a time for services. As you enter the office, your temperature will be taken with an infrared touch-less thermometer. All office equipment, including but not limited to counters, chairs, tables, and doorknobs, will be sterilized before and after each patient comes into contact with them.
Many people with COVID-19 have minimal symptoms; some may never know they were infected. For this reason, please stay home if any of the following apply to you:
You have traveled out of the country or state within the last 30 days
You have been in contact with someone who was sick in the last 30 days
You have a fever with symptoms of illness, cold, or flu
You do not consent to take your temperature with a touchless infrared thermometer.
We hope you are all staying safe and healthy during this time. Please contact us with any questions or concerns you may have, and thank you for your support during this time.