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What is Diamondglow?

A DiamondGlow Facial is much more than a simple facial. In contrast to traditional wet facial treatments (Microdermabrasion – sandblasting with aluminum oxide crystals, Hydrafacial – glycolic and salicylic acid for chemical exfoliation), DiamondGlow’s patented, recessed diamond-tip wand provides a non-invasive resurfacing treatment that removes the stratum corneum, the dead outer protective layer of the skin.

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How is the Diamondglow treatment done?

During your treatment, your provider will pass a handheld Diamond Glow device over your skin’s surface. The device utilizes vacuum pressure to produce controlled and consistent suction on the skin’s surface, extracting dirt and debris from clogged pores. The three-in-one system simultaneously exfoliates and infuses medical grade serums into the skin. By promptly infusing the skin, Diamond Glow treatments offer the greatest level of penetration possible, resulting in greater outcomes and healthier skin.

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What is the difference between Diamondglow and Microdermabrasion?

While both DiamondGlow and microdermabrasion eliminate a portion of the stratum corneum, DiamondGlow is more consistent and controlled in its operation.

Similar to sandpaper, microdermabrasion blasts particles at the outer layer to remove the top layer of skin. DiamondGlow employs the constant vacuum pressure of a diamond-tipped vacuum wand to draw skin into a chamber within the wand.

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What is the difference between Diamondglow and Hydrafacial?

DiamondGlow distributes the serums at the dermal-epidermal junction, resulting in a significantly deeper delivery than HydraFacial, whose serums only reach the surface of the skin. In addition, DiamondGlow is superior in terms of its ability to exfoliate, extract, and infuse serums because it penetrates deeper dermal layers. In comparison to the HydraFacial, whose benefits begin to diminish after a few days, this aligns to more significant results that last for a longer period of time.

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How long does this treatment take?

A standard appointment lasts approximately 30 minutes. In addition to tailoring the treatment to the individual, additional add ons may be recommended.

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Is there any downtime?

There is no downtime associated with the Diamond Glow treatment; however, skin may appear flushed or pink immediately after the procedure, but this will shortly subside. Although all exfoliation causes temporary sensitivity due to the exposure of fresh skin, the treated skin becomes smooth but not irritated. For 48-72 hours after treatment, avoid heat, sun, showers, swimming, jacuzzis, and any abrasive or active products.

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Does Diamondglow remove blackheads?

Yes! Using a diamond-tipped wand, the Diamond Glow Facial eliminates deficient and damaged skin cells, acne, and blackheads to expose a new layer of smooth skin cells.

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What should I expect after a Diamondglow treatment?

Following treatment, the majority of patients notice an immediate improvement and a revitalized complexion. This procedure can increase the skin’s volume by as much as 70 percent, resulting in a visibly plump and youthful appearance.

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The gift card could be redeemed for Juvederm or any other treatment offered by Essential Aesthetics, including Botox, Dysport, Juvederm Voluma, Juvederm Volbella, Juvederm Vollure, Kybella, or CoolSculpting. Explore the financial options for your cosmetic treatment with us.

If you have any questions, we’ve got you covered in our FAQ sections about cosmetic treatments. We offer financing for aesthetic treatments in Danville.

Book your appointment to learn more about our cosmetic treatment in the East Bay Area, or call us at 925.855.1773 to book your private appointment at Essential Aesthetics. You can also book your private consultation for your aesthetic treatment.

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